The Grant Agreement foresees a legal obligation for a project leader to act as the interface between the European Commission and the other members of the partners’ consortium. Not only will s/he have to lead and represent the consortium during meetings with this institution, but the project leader will also have important financial responsibilities throughout the whole project lifecycle. Due to the magnitude of these duties, it is essential that s/he is well-prepared and has the necessary skills to successfully complete their management and mediating tasks.
The EUcoach can alleviate the administrative work of the project leader by serving as the Secretariat of the consortium. Furthermore, the EUcoach can also assist the project leader in providing and submitting, to the Commission or other consortium members, documents required under the Grant Agreement and help with the timely distribution of the payments received by the Commission amongst the partners. Therefore, the EUcoach, acting as an invisible partner, guarantees the general good management and communication of the consortium.